Inappropriate Ads

The Google Ads displayed on this site are generated automatically from the Google Adsense System. However Google does provide a “Competitive Ad Filter” which allows specific ads, such as competitors’ ads, to be filtered or blocked from appearing on our pages.
We at QuranWallpapers.blogspot.com constantly monitor the ads generated by google and add offending ads to the block list
To continue to block inappropriate ads on  QuranWallpapers.blogspot.com , we need your help! If you see a non-Islamic or unethical advertisement on this site, please leave a comment in the below form or send us the URL of the offending add - e.g. “www.badsite.com.” Once you leave a comment, inshaAllah we will add this to the ad block list. Please do not click on the ads to determine the destination URL, you just need to look at the ad and type out the URL into the below form.


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